Performers Who Died In Front Of Live Audiences

While it’s bleak to think about, most of us are accustomed to famous performers dying from unnatural causes. For example, comedians or musicians whose lives involve a lot of drinking and partying are very often found dead in their homes or hotel rooms. However, a...

The Shady Truth About Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

These days, we often expect celebrities to have major scandals every now and then. But certain celebrities seem downright squeaky clean. Perhaps nobody fits that bill better than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Johnson has leveraged his squeaky-clean image to transition from a successful wrestling career...

The Stunning Transformation Of Chrissy Metz

It’s easy to sometimes get cynical about our favorite actors. After all, many of them are born conventionally beautiful and come from families with money. It’s basically like being born on third base while the rest of us hope to someday stop warming the bench!...

Weird Facts Discovered In Athlete Autopsy Reports

When you see athletes on television, it’s sometimes difficult to think you are seeing someone like you. At the height of their abilities, athletes appear to have powers and abilities more superhuman than human. And when these “superhumans” unexpectedly die, it always comes as a...

Beauty Queens Who Died Tragically Young

Obviously, there is no “right time” to die. But it always seems especially tragic when someone dies young because it seemed like they had their entire lives ahead of them. And few people have their entire lives ahead of them more than young beauty queens....

World’s 10 Hottest News Anchors

They say that sex sells, and it’s true that sex appeal can sell just about anything. But we never expected sex appeal to help sell us on the news! However, since the beginning of broadcast journalism, various anchors have understood and embraced the importance of...