The Most Iconic Scenes in the Twilight Films

These days, both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have gone on to do some pretty awesome things together. Back in the day, though, they were mostly known for their big breakout role in Twilight. The popularity of that movie and the book it was based...

The Best Kisses In Movie History

Here’s a pretty heavy question: why do you love to watch movies? Some people love a carefully-constructed plot and others love charismatic characters. There are other reasons to dig a film, including its awesome soundtrack and killer setpieces. As for us, there’s one thing that...

Film Bloopers So Perfect They Were Left In the Movie

Do you still buy the occasional DVD or Blu-Ray instead of just streaming everything? If so, you understand the sublime joy of extra features like the blooper real. After you watch a movie that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster from beginning to end, it...

Our Favorite Bloopers and Mistakes in The Bodyguard

Around our house, one of our favorite phrases is “comfort food movies.” These are the movies that we may have watched countless times before but that we don’t mind putting on again whenever we need cheering up. And one of our favorite comfort food films...

Pretty Woman Deleted Scenes That Completely Change the Film

Pretty Woman is one of those movies that instantly connects people. Once you discover someone else is a fan of this classic film, classic lines of dialogue help you to speak a kind of common tongue. And the most dedicated fans can effortlessly recite every...

Nicole Kidman Opens Up About Her New Erotic Drama

Nicole Kidman is one of the most recognizable faces in all of Hollywood. She has had an epic career for decades, and thanks to those so-cheesy-they’re-good AMC theater promos, she has literally become the face of film. Still, it’s been a very long time since...

Movie Mistakes That Will Change How You See Your Favorite Films

There are plenty of movies that people love to breathlessly describe as “perfect.” That’s not really accurate, though, because of one simple fact. No matter how great a movie is, mistakes will slip through that should have ended on the cutting-room floor.  We’ve rounded up...