Everything You Need to Know About Kushal Kumar, the Modern Nostradamus


Our films and TV shows are filled with characters who have amazing powers, including the ability to fly and shoot laser beams out of their eyes. For many of us watching, though, these powers pale in comparison to what we really want. That’s right: we want to predict the future.

The general wisdom is that nobody can do this. However, centuries ago, Nostradamus laid down a series of predictions, many of which subsequently came true. It seemed like we might never encounter another person with such talent, but recently, a new Nostradamus has been making a name for himself based on his grim predictions.

Just who is the new guy, and are his predictions on the level? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Kushal Kumar, the modern Nostradamus.

The significance of the original Nostradamus

Chances are that you’ve heard the name of the real Nostradamus on more than a few occasions. Most people, though, know few of the specifics that made this man famous. And knowledge of his ancient exploits can help you both appreciate and evaluate whether Kushal Kamar is on the level or not.

In short, the original Nostradamus published a book in 1555 called Les Propheties. This was his giant book of future predictions, and year by year, many proved true. For example, he seemingly predicted London’s Great Fire, France’s Revolution, and even the rise of Adolf Hitler.

Since then, his name has become synonymous with accurately predicting the future. Now, it seems, there may be someone else with the gift to see what tomorrow holds for us all.

A fortune-teller by any other name

You might not have heard about Kushal Kamar by now. One reason for that is that the predictions that helped put him on the map (more on this later) have been relatively recent. Plus, Kamar is from India, meaning that much of what he says and does flies under the radar for the average citizen of a Western state.

To add to the confusion, this is a fortune-teller of many names. Many call Kamar “the modern Nostradamus,” and others refer to him by his more regional name “The Indian Nostradamus.” Regardless of his name, though, he has some impressive credentials that might just make you believe.

Relatively impressive credentials

If you’re skeptical about the existence of a modern Nostradamus…honestly, we can’t blame you. For what it’s worth, though, the man does have real credentials. In short, his name has appeared in a number of publications, so he’s not just some crazy man with a newsletter or a social media pulpit.

Over the years, Kushal Kamar has appeared in regional publications like The Mountain Astrology and Horoscope. Admittedly, what this means for his abilities depends greatly on how much you believe in astrology. But the simple fact that he is getting published all over the world speaks to his growing reputation and others’ belief in what he has to say.

The dark prediction that led to his fame

Now, Kushal Kamar has been dabbling in fields like astrology for a while now, so why is he suddenly exploding in popularity? Basically, he keeps predicting World War 3: he predicted it would start on June 18, 2024, and later predicted it would start by July 28, 2024. 

These predictions keep coming and going without incident, turning the man’s so-called “abilities” into a double-edged sword. Sure, each gloomy prediction buys him another 15 minutes of fame, but the increasing failure is making him look like a fraud.

Even futurists need a side hustle

Obviously, Kushal Kamar cares greatly about astrology. It’s his chosen field and he claims to derive knowledge about others from the heavens. In addition to making major predictions about global disasters, he also uses his gifts to make personal predictions about people’s futures based on when they were born.

Of course, Kamar selling his talents like this has increased speculation that he may simply be a fraud. He may just need some extra cash, and since plenty are willing to pay, we have no trouble with him making bank. But we can’t help but wonder if he will ever just start telling people what they want to hear for quick cash.

Is this new Nostradamus on the level or not?

So, time for the big question: is this new Nostradamus on the level or not? Based on everything we’ve seen, Kushal Kamar doesn’t have any concrete ability to see the future. If he did, he wouldn’t keep making mistakes when predicting the beginning of World War 3. Plus, it’s worth remembering that the original Nostradamus may not have been great at telling the future…in all likelihood, later generations just imposed their own past experience on his future predictions and made correlations that weren’t really there.

At any rate, Kamar has time to make us believe…all he has to do is get one of his high-profile, global predictions right. Otherwise, we’re going to keep believing that the only future he is accurately predicting is people giving him money so they can simply hear what they want to hear.

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