We’ve all heard of being born under a bad sign. But what about being born under a beautiful sign?
Years ago, Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements made a splash in the world of modeling. They were only seven years old and quickly earned a flattering nickname: “the world’s most beautiful twins.”
Of course, their career moment and big breakout success were way back in 2017. What have the twins been up to lately, and what do they look like now? Keep reading to discover the answers!
Born into beauty

Sometimes, parents encounter a lot of pushback at the idea of their children modeling. While the twins’ mother Jaqi Clements would eventually have to contend with haters (more on this later), she received early encouragement for her children to become star models.
Why is that? According to Jaqi, her beautiful children kept getting compliments from the day they were born. Even perfect strangers on the street would stop and take notice of just how cute these kids were.
Those strangers didn’t stop at saying the twins were beautiful. Many of them posed the same question: had Jaqi considered getting them into modeling? She eventually decided to do just that, but the twins’ road to modeling success ended up having many unexpected twists and turns.
A slow start to a modeling career

Technically, the twins began modeling when they were only six months old. However, Jaqi and her husband also had to contend with the twins’ older brother. Between the stresses of raising three children and staying on top of their own jobs and lives, the twins’ parents let those early modeling dreams go. That’s how the twins’ first modeling career lasted a scant three months.
At this point, the parents settled in for their beautiful twins to have nice, normal lives. But they soon discovered that the twins were natural performers who were eager to please and loved to pose for a camera. Jaqi decided they could return to a modeling career when the twins were older…specifically, when they were seven (which happens to be Jaqi’s lucky number, possibly because the twins were born on July 7th).
In a weird bit of synchronicity, the twins turned seven on July 7th, 2017. Inspired by all those sevens, Jaqi asked the twins if they wanted to try being models again. According to Jaqi, the girls began jumping up and down in excitement and couldn’t wait to get started!
From models to social media superstars

The return to modeling started slowly. Jaqi was able to get some professional photographs of the children from a friend, and she took quite a few photos on her own. Along the way, she also played hairdresser and makeup artists for her beautiful daughters.
When the time came, Jaqi reached out to some of her previous modeling contacts. She ended up finding a couple of different agencies. However, this led to the occasional mixup, including an embarrassing time when each agent booked the girls for the same Barbie audition.
The girls were officially successful models now. And Jaqi took things to the next level by setting up an Instagram account for the twins. She initially thought this would just be like a digital portfolio of photos for the girls. But as the twins gathered thousands of online followers, their Instagram stardom became both a blessing and a curse.
Dealing with online haters

By late 2017, the twins had nearly 400,000 on Instagram. Jaqi became very busy putting only the girls’ best photos online while trying to shield them from online haters and trolls.
Some of the online hate was relatively generic, including attacks on the girls’ appearance. But some of it was very specific, including barbed criticisms of Jaqi’s parenting. And even when the questions didn’t come from a place of hate, Jaqi got annoyed at navigating repetitive questions like “are they wearing makeup” and “why do they look so sad?”
However, Jaqi knows that the twins are very happy with both their lives and their careers. They are active, social, content…and they just happen to be famous all over the world. Not so bad for a couple of young girls with a pretty smile!
Building their brand

In retrospect, Jaqi sees 2017 as the big breakout year for the twins. But as the years went on, the girls were able to build their brand up in new and exciting ways.
Last year, the gals inked deals with Levi’s, Converse, and Macy’s. As Yahoo! Life reports, Macy’s senior director, Matthew Sebra, thought the girls were a great fit to help market children’s clothing. “The way the twins wear clothes, it feels natural and organic, and true to their easy, relaxed Southern California lifestyle,” he said. “The camera just loves them. Nothing feels forced.”
“Nothing feels forced.” In other words, the natural beauty of these girls still takes people by surprise.
Helping to save lives

Over the years, some have criticized both Jaqi and the girls for translating their beauty into online superstardom. But this online influence allowed the girls to do something very special: to save their father’s life!
Their father, Kevin Clements, was diagnosed with both leukemia and lymphoma. After this diagnosis, he desperately needed bone marrow. Unfortunately, finding the right donor for bone marrow is usually easier said than done.
The girls took to Instagram to tell their followers (now numbering nearly two million) about their dad and to encourage everyone to get tested for donor compatibility. Thanks to them, Kevin’s story went viral, and he eventually found a viable donor: his brother.
The girls’ efforts didn’t stop there, though. According to The Morning News, the girls have a cousin, Shane, who was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. So far, SMA can’t be cured, but this hasn’t deterred the girls. According to Kevin, “the girls partnered up with Nail and Bone, a nail polish line, and a lot of the proceeds go towards SMA, and the research to find a cure.”
What do the world’s most beautiful twins look like today?

These days, the twins are just as beautiful as ever. While they look a bit more mature now than when they began modeling again at seven, they retain those haunting eyes, flowing locks, and glowing skin they have always been known for.
Given the girls’ modeling success, social media superstardom, and multiple brand deals, it doesn’t look like they are going anywhere anytime soon. And it seems like they might need to get a new nickname: “the world’s most marketable twins.”
What a great story.
The twins are very beautiful,and the father looks like he will be okay.
What a great feeling.
That’s good father
Such wonderful young ladies.
I wish you all the happiness in the world
Beautiful girls
They’re really beautiful