Do you know any sports superfans? If you do, try asking them what they love most about watching sporting events. Some people love the spectacle…after all, having entire arenas full of teams competing for major prizes is basically the modern equivalent of gladiators duking it out in Roman colosseums. Other major sports fans love things like the demonstration of world-class athletic ability and the sight of people achieving peak performance while enduring the craziest possible challenges.
Not us, though. We watch all sporting events, from local amateur contests to major international events, for one reason: to see the kinds of silly moments that everyone involved hopes are not captured on camera. And when those moments are captured, it leads to hilarious pictures that are sure to brighten your entire day.
Don’t believe us? Keep reading to discover the silliest sports moments ever caught on camera!
A little too distracted

Sports is full of beautiful athletes, and it can be hard not to stare at their chiseled bodies while they perform. Still, most people manage not to stare…at least, until the outfit starts coming off. This guy, for instance, is clearly going for the gold when it comes to staring down someone exposing her rear for the world to see!
Going for the money shot

Being a sports photographer is pretty tough…on top of all your skills with a camera, you also have to possess the natural instinct of knowing when to take out your gear and snag the perfect shot. These guys make it look all too easy, though. All they had to do was wait for this athlete to bend over, and the perfect shot more or less takes care of itself!
An unforgettable face

Sports photos often feel special because they capture moments of human achievement, like when a runner narrowly overtakes the competition or when a pole vaulter sticks an impossible landing. They also catch the silly moments, though, including the face this gymnast is making mid-performance. Honestly, that’s the face we’d be making the entire time if we had to try to pull off her slick moves!
A ring with a view

They call boxing “the sweet science” because it’s more complicated than most people think. It’s not just about knocking the other guy’s block off…you also need to constantly win the mental game by staying completely focused on your opponent. This guy, however, found something else to focus on. And no matter who gets knocked out, we’re pretty sure he feels like a winner right now!
Yes, those outfits bunch up

When you mostly watch sports for the silly moments, you start asking yourself appropriately silly questions. For example, we’ve often wondered if athletes’ outfits ever bunch up…considering how our underwear bunches up when we sit up too fast, it’s only natural that much tighter outfits would bunch up during competitions. And as this lady proves, bunching up is all too common in the sports world!
Balls to the face

No matter how many sports bloopers videos you watch, it’s still surprising to see something go catastrophically wrong. Take soccer, for instance…the basics are simple enough: hit the ball with your feet or, when needed, with your head. In this case, though, this poor gal more or less hit the ball with her face, and we can take a guess as to what her rival on the left is thinking: “better her than me!”
Tennis shenanigans

The most impressive (and sometimes most annoying) thing about good athletes is that they make their impossible athletic feats look downright effortless. Often, we’re just watching them going to work and asking ourselves how the heck the human body is capable of doing something so awesome. That’s why we’re grateful for pictures like this that show that even professional athletes can look impossibly goofy while playing!
The ball is lava

It’s hard to pick a favorite, but soccer may be the best sport when it comes to hilarious out-of-context images. For example, this probably looked like a pretty normal moment to the various players and attendees of this match. But the picture captures a still image in which both women look like they are frantically trying to avoid the ball altogether. Now, we’re just hoping a network will finally buy our pitch for a reality sports competition show called “The Ball Is Lava.”
Getting a very good look

Every now and then, a problematic moment also makes for a hilarious photo. For example, this image captures a man whipping out his phone, presumably to take a picture of this gorgeous woman without her consent. That’s not cool, and in most cases, it would earn the offender a slap in the face. But we can’t help but wonder if this stunning woman ever saw it as a compliment that a complete stranger was so taken with her beauty he had to instantly sneak himself a picture to remember this moment forever!