The Insane Story of a Woman Who Had Cement Put Into Her Face


By now, you probably have plenty of friends and family members who use filler to change their appearances. Maybe you rely on it yourself. Either way, you’ve probably asked yourself this simple question from time to time…”what’s the worst that could possibly happen?”

That’s a question you should really direct to Rajee Narinesingh. She dreamed of changing her appearance, but that dream turned into a nightmare thanks to a shady doctor who put cement into her face, nearly deforming her appearance for the rest of her life. How did this tragedy happen, and did she ever get the face she was dreaming of? Keep reading to find out!

Meet the woman with cement in her face

Most of the world didn’t know who Rajee Narinesingh was until she appeared on an episode of Botched. There, we learned more about her sad story and how her struggles to embrace her authentic identity nearly destroyed her life.

In retrospect, part of what cemented her fate is that Narinesingh was born on April 7, 1967. That meant that she didn’t have access to easy research tools like the internet when it came to learning more about her own body and what she wanted to do with it. The fact that she was born trans at a time when there was a greater social stigma around trans issues also effectively made her life that much more difficult.

Feeling like she was born into the wrong body

Although assigned male at birth, Rajee Narinesingh had very little in common with the boys in her neighborhood and in her schools growing up in New York City. Again, this was decades ago, so she didn’t have much awareness of trans culture until she began encountering fellow trans individuals and felt a special kinship with them.

Interestingly, her own decision to transition was spurred on by the time that her father gave her a basketball as a gift. Instead of practicing her moves on the court, she ended up putting the ball under her shirt and imagining what it would be like to be a woman and get pregnant. At this point, she decided to transition, but she had no idea at the time just how dangerous this path would prove to be.

Turning to the black market for help

After spending decades feeling like she was born into the wrong body, Rajee Narinesingh decided to change her appearance in 2005. There was just one problem: the kinds of extensive sex-change operations she was interested in were too expensive for her. She decided instead to go to the black market and try to find a doctor who could help her look more feminine.

The doctor she turned to was Oneal Ron Morris, someone who would later become one of the more infamous figures in medical history (more on this soon). She had no way of knowing it at the time, but Morris was about to do something to her body that would jeopardize her life and leave her feeling deformed and exploited.

Surgery gone terribly wrong

In an ostensible attempt to make Rajee Narinesingh look more feminine, Oneal Ron Morris decided to put injections in her breasts, buttocks, face, and hips. So far, so good, but it was what he injected her with that makes this such a shocking story.

The injections used by this doctor were made of cement, superglue, and even tire sealant. Even right after the injections, the final result looked horrible, and Narinesingh became a recluse who hardly wanted to leave the house. Unfortunately for her, the injections she got only made things worse over time.

From a nightmare doctor to a nightmare life

The injections eventually made Rajee Narinesingh look deformed as they began to break down. This caused giant lumps to form on various areas of her body, including her cheeks, chin, and lips. By now, she realized what was done to her was illegal, but she felt too embarrassed and ashamed to go to the authorities.

Fortunately, that didn’t keep the long arm of the law from eventually catching up to Oneal Ron Morris. She later achieved infamy as the “toxic tush doctor,” someone known for using unsafe substances like super glue to make people’s buttocks appear fuller and plumper. Eventually, Morris was sentenced to 10 years in prison on the charges of both manslaughter and practicing medicine without a license. 

A happy ending to this tragic tale

Oneal Ron Morris eventually got what was coming to her. Fortunately, the same thing happened to Rajee Narinesingh as well. When she appeared on the TV show Botched, she received four surgeries spread out over seven weeks to undo the damage caused by Morris.

Now, she is looking better than ever before and has even forgiven the black market “doctor” who did this to her. That means Narinesingh has achieved something truly rare: being beautiful, both inside and out.

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