The Saddest Things We Learned From Britney Spears’ Memoir

If you’re like us, you’ve found yourself singing the Britney Spears’ lyric “hit me baby, one more time” way more often than you’d like to admit. For all those shower serenades, however, we never expected Britney Spears to hit back. But that’s exactly what has...

Love Scenes Actors Regretted Filming

There are few things as captivating on film as a love scene. It’s not hard to see why: movies are filled with some of the hottest people on the planet, and it can be good, clean fun watching a couple of them get down and...

Celebrity Prenups That Went Above and Beyond | Traitslab

10 Celebrity Prenups That Went Above and Beyond

We like to think of marriage as “happily ever after.” It’s what the fairytales all promised: two people spending the rest of their days in blissful matrimony. But reality is a lot messier than fairytales. The average marriage is actually likelier to end in divorce...