6 Most Awkward Live Interviews in Celebrity History

When you think about how often it happens, it’s kind of weird when live celebrity interviews go sideways. After all, big celebrities are experts at both talking about themselves and promoting whatever their latest work is. As long as they have a professional interviewer, you’d...

Where Lindsay Lohan Is Now

It’s an open secret in Hollywood that child stars often have a tough time growing up. Lindsay Lohan, however, is a special case. Most child stars go through private struggles that we only hear about years later. But from drug abuse to alleged kleptomania, we...

21-Celebrities-Who-Were-Cheerleaders | Traitslab

21 Celebrities Who Were Cheerleaders (Photos)

The funny thing about being a celebrity is that it’s hard for fans to see them as anything else. Once somebody becomes a famous actor, for example, it’s difficult to imagine the hobbies and interests they once had. For example, many of your favorite celebrities...