The Best Kisses In Movie History

Here’s a pretty heavy question: why do you love to watch movies? Some people love a carefully-constructed plot and others love charismatic characters. There are other reasons to dig a film, including its awesome soundtrack and killer setpieces. As for us, there’s one thing that...

The Saddest Things About Eva Mendes’ Life

Once upon a time, Eva Mendes was one of the biggest names in Hollywood. She played a major role in Training Day, and the success of that film helped her land roles in other major productions such as 2 Fast 2 Furious and Hitch. And...

Mourning the Death of Our Favorite Dallas Star

There is always something surreal about a beloved celebrity dying. After all, our favorite actors are perfectly preserved in our favorite films and old TV show reruns, which means some part of them will be with us forever. But it’s always tragic to know that...

6 Most Underrated Celebrity Romances in Hollywood

If you watch enough movies and television shows, it doesn’t take long for you to start ‘shipping celebrities. After all, these are some of the hottest people on the planet, and it’s fun to watch these cute couples find each other and, most importantly, find...